B.B. Brodey, R.R. Girgis, O.V. Favorov, C.E. Bearden, S.W. Woods, J. Addington, D.O. Perkins, E.F. Walker, B.A. Cornblatt, G. Brucato, S.E. Purcell, I.S. Brodey, K.S. Cadenhead. “The Early Psychosis Screener for Internet (EPSI)-SR: Predicting 12-month psychotic conversion using machine learning,” Schizophrenia Research (February 2019). doi:10.1016/j.schres.2019.01.015.
Benjamin Brodey, MPH, MD, Susan E Purcell, PhD, Karen Rhea, MD, Philip Maier, BS, Michael First, MD, Lisa Zweede, MD, Manuela Sinisterra, BA, M Brad Nunn, PhD, Marie-Paule Austin, MD, Franz CP, and Inger S Brodey, PhD “Rapid and Accurate Behavioral Health Diagnostic Screening: Initial Validation Study of a Web-Based, Self-Report Tool (the SAGE-SR),” Journal of Medical Internet Research 20.3 (March 2018): e108.
Brodey, B.B; Girgis, R.R; Favorov, O.V; Addington, J; Perkins, D.O; Bearden, C.E; Woods, S.W; Walker, E.F; Cornblatt, B.A; Brucato, G; Walsh, B; Elkin,
K.A; Brodey, I.S., “The Early Psychosis Screener (EPS): Quantitative validation against the SIPS using machine learning,” Schizophrenia Research (January 2018). pii: S0920-9964(17)30728-4. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2017.11.030. [Epub ahead of print].
Brodey BB, Gonzalez NL, Elkin KA, Sasiela WJ, Brodey IS, “Assessing the Equivalence of Paper, Mobile Phone, and Tablet Survey Responses at a Community Mental Health Center Using Equivalent Halves of a 'Gold-Standard' Depression Item Bank,” Journal of Medical Internet Research: Mental Health 4.3 (September 2017): e36.
Brodey B, Purcell SE, Rhea K, Maier P, First M, Zweede L, Sinisterra M, Nunn MB, Austin MP, Brodey IS, “Rapid and Accurate Behavioral Health Diagnostic Screening: Initial Validation Study of a Web-Based, Self-Report Tool (the SAGE-SR).” Journal of Medical Internet Research 20.3 (March, 2018): e108, doi: 10.2196/jmir.9428.
Brodey, B. B., Goodman, S. H., Wirth, R.J., Baldasaro, R. E., Brooks-deWeese, A., Wilson, M. E., Brodey, I. S., and Doyle, N. M. “Development of the Perinatal Depression Inventory (PDI) Using Item Response Theory: A Comparison of the BDI-II, EPDS, PDI, PHQ-9.” Archives of Women's Mental Health 19.2 (August 2015): 307-316. doi: http://dx.doi.org.libproxy.lib.unc.edu/10.1007/s00737-015-0553-9.
Brodey, B.B., McMullin, D., Kaminer, Y., Winters, K., Mosshart, E., Rosen, C., Brodey, I. “Psychometric Characteristics of the Teen Addiction Severity Index-Two (T-ASI-2).” Substance Abuse: Journal of the Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse 29.2 (2008): 19-32.
Brodey, B.B., Cuffel, B., McCulloch, J., Tani, S., Maruish, M., Brodey, I., & Unützer, J. “The acceptability and effectiveness of patient-reported assessments and feedback in a managed behavioral health care setting.” The American Journal of Managed Care, 11 (2005): 774-780.
Brodey, B.B., Rosen, C.S., Brodey, I.S., Sheetz, B.G., & Unützer, J. “Reliability and acceptability of automated telephone surveys among Spanish- and English-speaking
mental health services recipients.” Mental Health Services Research, 7.3 (2005), 181-184.
Brodey, B.B., Rosen, C.S., Winters, K.C., Brodey, I.S., Sheetz, B.G., Steinfeld, R.R., & Kaminer, Y. “Validation of the Teen-Addiction Severity Index (T-ASI) for Internet & automated telephone self-report administration.” Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 19.1 (2005), 54-61.
Brodey, B.B., Rosen, C.S., Brodey, I.S., Sheetz, B.G., Steinfeld, R.R., & Gastfriend, D. “Validation of the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) for Internet and automated telephone self-report administration.” Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 26.4 (2004), 253-259.
Brodey, B.B., Claypoole, K.H., & Brodey, I.S. “Telemedicine in the delivery of psychiatric services: An evaluation.” Correctional Healthcare Report, 3.1 (2001), 9-10.