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English & Comparative Literature Courses
Teaching Awards
Johnston Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (Spring 2019)
Bank of America Distinguished Term Professorship (2012-2017)
Graduate Mentor Award for UNC Department of English and Comparative Literature (August 2016)
Chapman Family Award for Excellence in Teaching (Fall 2011)
Tanner Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (Spring 2006)
Student Reviews
"Of all my zoom courses, CMPL 220 had the best discussions! ... I think the fact that discussion was so open and we could take it as our interests led us made it particularly enjoyable.
"I appreciate how dedicated and available for extra dialogue and academic opportunities Dr. Brodey made herself. She reiterated several times how she was open to assisting students with extracurricular research, and the extent of her own knowledge and publication history on the subject material made it easy for class discussions to be guided by students' inquiry."
"Dr. Brodey took advantage of the online format and brought in guest speakers from around the world whom we would never have been able to speak with in a traditional classroom setting. Hearing various perspectives from other scholars around the world really enriched the educational experience ..."
"Dr. Brodey fostered an inclusive, kind, and respectful atmosphere. She gave everyone the chance to speak who wanted to talk, and encouraged people to elaborate on their ideas. She also gently corrected people when they were wrong; I never felt stupid or silly for misunderstanding something in her class."
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